Bon Noël!

Bon Noël!

To all if you, the ones who take the time to read my blog, send me messages of support and feedback, along with endearing lines of thanks and gratitude- from me to you, thank you.

I hope you’re preparing yourselves for a big feast with family and friends at the end of this week, or maybe you’re saving up for New Year’s Eve – perhaps both.

Wherever the next few weeks take you, please don’t be good, have fun, enjoy some time away from the office, the gym, the library or the school gate (or all). Simply put, I hope you’re taking some time away from whatever it is that you do that forms the majority of the moments that make up the calendar year. This one has flown for me, and almost a year ago I sat in the window of the Parisian loft and quite simply, started typing because a few of you said I should. I’ve always been fairly obedient and listening to that advice is one of the greatest things I’ve ever done.

The past couple of weeks have been a complete whirlwind of study and tying up loose ends but the minute I get onto that plane tomorrow, the wheels will be in motion for a reflective piece that I’ve been stringing together on my morning walk to school each day this week. Watch this space!

This is a simple message from me to you to say thank you and Happy Christmas, as my suitcase eyes me off, spewing summer dresses out each corner and I really need to mop the bathroom floor. If there is one thing I’m excellent at, it’s procrastination.

All my love and thanks from my most favourite place in the world (apart from home, India, Turkey, Italy and others). On that note, I might have to eat a plate of oysters for dinner…

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